Financial reasoning aside (but it is better value than a happily-ever-after-meal), with a combined CELEBRANT + SOUNDTRACK package you’ll save yourself some stress and leg-work, probably a good chunk of your sanity, and your wedding ceremony will be a far smoother overall production.
Because, with a CELEBRANT + SOUNDTRACK Package, you;
We’re from the new school. And that’s not to say we don’t respect tradition. We do. In fact we’re super proud of the history and tradition associated with civil celebrancy in Australia. But we also believe that as times change, the relevance of certain traditions does too. Basically, we just think that not every wedding ceremony requires formulaic fire and boring brimstone that many may associate with them. Quite simply; if traditions are meaningful to you, we’re all for them. But if they’re not, we’re not.
Our modern civil marriage celebrants are exactly that – wedding celebrants for the modern day. There’s actually very little that’s ‘compulsory’ when crafting a wedding ceremony. The Australian government requires certain elements be included, and there’s some minimum wording that must be communicated. But we’re all over that. So we’ll make sure you’re aware of the manditories, as well as discuss the endless options and possibilities, so that together, we create the most bespoke (ie. tailored to you) wedding ceremony possible.
You may have noticed we’re adamant about referring to your wedding day ‘Soundtrack’, and not simply your wedding music. Because they’re very different things. Traditionally you book a wedding musician for a defined duration and as per the standard pub/venue scene, they start on the hour, play for 45mins and break for 15… and you have to hope (or plan) that your runsheet doesn’t interrupt and eat into their set-in-stone set times.
With your wedding Soundtrack, we work to you and your plan – rather than the other way around. With a wedding day Soundtrack your J&A Events musician is happy to play sets up to 85mins in length unbroken. And conversely, string together 15min sets with 10min breaks… if that’s what your runsheet requires. Because like in all the good movie soundtracks, great music should bookend and punctuate each scene and passage of dialogue, as well as accompany and amplify the emotions of those truly pivotal moments (ie. your aisle walk, entrance, first dance, etc). Our wedding day Soundtrack packages ensure flexibility and customisation, combining the raw emotiveness of live music with a party-pleasing DJ set to bring the crescendo your love celebration deserves.
Once you’ve booked a Wedding Day Soundtrack, the fun begins (homework can be fun, right?). You’ll be required to complete a comprehensive Wedding Day Info Sheet – affectionately referred to as the I Do & Yewww From – which gives us in-depth info about your day. Obvious stuff like number of guests, and song choices for your day’s specific moments, but also details on age break-downs, number of speeches, and an indication of what songs you (and your guests!) both love, and loathe. We dig deep to make this soundtrack specific to you, your connection, and your day.
While it’s our strong belief that securing a J&A Events CELEBRANT + SOUNDTRACK Package is the single best decision – after choosing each other, of course – you can make for your wedding… it’s elements are not mutually exclusive. You can absolutely have one or the other.
Every wedding day should be unique, so who are we to say every one of them requires an epic celebrant and awesome music!? If you only need the former, or the latter, the level of quality and commitment doesn’t change. Regardless of the capacity, when we’re on board for your wedding day, we’re with you 100%.
Gallery: Courtney + Pat’s real (rad) wedding | Celebrant + Soundtrack by J&A Events | Photos by Silque Photography